Q: How would I know if my cat is suffering from shock? How should he be treated?

Answer: Shock is a clinical state in which is which there is a fall in blood pressure and in the volume of blood in the circulation. The blood to the flow the body tissue is poor and the cells, including those of the brain, suffering from a lack of oxygen. Many different type of injury will cause shock but the signs and the treatment are similar in all cases. Shock can result from severe blood loss of other body fluids, serious pain and tissue damage (from severe wounds and fractures, electrocution and the effect of the burns, scalds, and poisons-especially corrosive poisons) and the effect of bee and wasp stings (anaphylactic shock). Internal bleeding can result in ‘secondary shock’ occurring some time (four to six hours) after an injury.
The tell-tale signs of shock are as follows:

1 The animal is weak and almost always lies down. It is often only semiconscious and does not respond to stimulation.

2 Breathing is paid (more then thirty to forty breaths per minute) and shallow, i.e. panting respiration.

3 The lips, gums and tongue appear pale and grayish and feel cold and clammy
4 The paws feel cols, even though the animal may be in warm surroundings, and it often trembles or shivers. The temperature, if taken, is found to be below normal.

5 The heart beats more rapidly, i.e. more then 120 beats per minute.

6 The pupils are dilated and the eyes appear glazes.

7 The cat may vomit.

These signs may already be present when the injured animal is discovered or they may develop later.