Answer: A fine lead is very useful following accident where frightened or injured cat will not allow you to approach closely enough to pick it up. It used to make a slip, ‘noose’ by passing the end with the clip through loop by which the lead would normally be held. This slip noose should be dangled in front of the animal’ head and gradually, with patience and slow movements, manipulated into a position around the nick. Then a quick pull will tighten it. If a cat basket or other container is available the animals can even be momentarily lifted by this noose and lowered into the container, and the lid quickly secured.
Don’t worry that the cat will be harmed by lifting it in this way; it will only be suspended momentarily and there is no risk of it strangling or suffering damage to structures in the nick. It is, in fact, an extremely useful method for securing a severely frightened animal which cannot be grasped. In an emergency a similar slip lead can be made by running a narrow trouser belt or dress belt through the buckle, or even by using a piece of thick cord after first tying one end to from s loop through which the other end can be passed.