Answer: In the early stages of the kitten hood the kitchen scales may be used, provided that the scale pain is well washed afterwards. It should be protected with a polythene beg and a couple of paper towels in case of accidents; these won't alter the reading significantly. Later, the bathroom scales can be even a cardboard box to prevent him from repeatedly jumping off. Usually, the cat won't sit still long enough for you to be able to read the dial accurately. Weigh this container both with and without the animal and then find the cat’s weight by difference. Alternatively, you could suspend a cat basket from a spring balance, again to find the cat’s weight by difference. Or weigh yourself holding the cat again without it.
Use the same scales each time if possible to that any error in the weightings will be consistent, allowing a meaningful compression.
In all cases, if the needle on the dial of the scales fails to give a constant reading because of the animal’s movements, note the upper and lower limits of the swing of the needle and use the point midway between them as the cat’s true weight.